Monday, February 4, 2008

A great day...

I have a student who I am so thankful for. He is the hope, the future, and the prospect of what it means to be young and Black. My man is intelligent beyond means. His purpose and his desire to be a King in the modern world is undeniable.

Of course he is misunderstood. He was suspended the other week from school. But like I told him, this is what they want for him.

He is part of the alternative, Afro-punk crowd. He is somewhat of a mis-fit, much similar to how I was in middle school. Fully aware of who he is, yet he is utterly confused with how he fits into this systemized edifice. But I learn from this cat, everyday. He and I have been challenging each other to read a book a week. We meet every Monday to discuss the book we read the previous week. Our books are fascinating. We sometimes read eachother’s books- and always suggest new ones to read.

He just finished What is the What, a powerful book about Sudan- and I am finishing an incredible Octavia Butler piece, Wild Seed. He sent me an email a few minutes ago with a link to a DOPE Barack video called YES WE CAN.

To me, he is the hope of the future- my comrade and a powerful young revolutionary.


Anonymous said...

wow, that's powerful. i'm sure then we'll meet at a crossroads ...

Hugh O'Donnell said...

Woof! That's way cool -- a student who reads and discusses...

Obama's message stirs me. Enough to have sent money right after he declared (and I'm an Eisenhower Republican!)

One of these days, I'm going to have to re-register and change parties.

ahnka said...

So great! I applaud both of you. Keep it up! And how's Wild Seed?

oronde ash said...

i was a brotha like the young man. been thru it. don't want him gettin' on the other side. keep him going. i'm sharing my journey here pass along to the young man. i'd like his opinion on the stories.

Chris Travis said...

I'm a Cohort 16 Math Immersion fellow... gearing up for training. Been reading your stuff for a while- thanks for providing a little window into some of your ups and downs. And thanks for the "Yes We Can" link- gonna pass that along- I've got so much respect for that man.

Herman said...

hi, im wondering if youre still a Teaching fellow??I have an interview coming up, Ive never taught before , but Ive always wanted to....any suggestions????/How was your interview???Keep writing, love yer blog...Richard

Anonymous said...

Stumbled upon your blog, and I truly commend you. It makes me happy beyond measure to read about a young black man working in education. Never for a second doubt the impact of your presence in the classroom.-M